Monday 16 June 2014

Design Visualization - Final Project (Book Holder)

This was the very last project assigned to us for Design Visualization. The aim of this project is to review and illustrate the entire topic learned in this subject. We were to undergo a design process to help us to visualize our ideas and present the ideas in a systematic manner with visuals, drawings, diagrams and models. In the process of producing this project, we were to first produce sketches, diagram, mock up model, architectural drawing, measurements and scale to communicate our ideas visually.

For this final project, we were required to design and produce a display unit based on the topic given and the observation obtained from our previous site study. And the display unit will be serving two purposes which included providing a platform to display or exhibit something in a public area and also to create awareness that relate to the site context and surrounding.

The display unit we were required to design was a book holder based on the topic we chose from the 4 topics given (Picasso, Pixar, Grafitti and Mural) and it shall not be more than 1.5x1.5x1.5 metre in actual size. Appropriate use of materials, colors and scale is needed in producing this display unit.

The topic I had chosen was Picasso. First, I started off by doing research about Picasso, a well known Spanish painter/artist and I got to know about his life then his artwork and masterpieces. From there, I got inspired by one of his painting name "La Lecture" and thus my ideas came from that.

I started sketching and doodling my ideas and continuously update my progression with my tutor, Ms. Sufina throughout the process of producing my work. The photos below are parts of my sketches and rough ideas of my display unit.

After a few discussion and tutorial sessions with my tutor, I had finalized my ideas and started working on the mock up model and also the A1 presentation board. And the final outcome as below,

On the day of submission, pin up and silent presentation in class was conducted.

After completing this project, what I had learned is the ideas of designing can be gained from many ways, through the research on the internet, books resources, brainstorming and ideas given by tutors. Besides, how we develop our ideas from sketch then translate and visualize them into a model and 2D presentation form is also something I had learned from this project. I also got to put the things I learned from the previous assignments into good use, from the first assignment I got to learn different techniques of sketching, the second assignment I had learned about measurements and architectural drawing and the third assignment I learned about presenting ideas and info in a systematic manner. 
All the projects I had done for Design Visualization really helped me so much in getting myself all prepared to step into degree. 

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