Sunday 15 June 2014

Design Visualization - Project 2 (Technical Drawing)

This was the second project assigned to us for this module which was Technical Drawing. The objective of this project is to help students to understand drawing convention and to gain the skills in utilizing it to illustrate spatial observations and generate architectural drawings. 

For this assignment, we were to concentrate on the objects measuring and present them in drawings technically. We were required to sketch and conduct measurement of chosen objects consists of minimum 3 different geometries and then explore the application of drawing conventions and by using the measurements from the observation we were to generate architectural drawings that clearly express all these 3 dimensional objects. 

We were required to pick 2 objects and generate architectural drawings of the objects as listed :

1.  One plan
2. Two elevations
3. Two sections
4. One detail drawing 

Each drawing need to be completed with title block, drawing details and information, subtitle and annotations, appropriate scale. 
And for this project, I had chosen a toner bottle and a polaroid as my objects to be measured and translated into architectural drawings. 

This assignment had helped me in practicing my skills for real architectural technical drawings. As for this assignment, accuracy and neatness are the main factors as we were suppose to draw everything even the smallest parts with the exact and correct measurements. It's way different from the first project which only required us to sketch and draw freely. Besides, it helped me in getting into the first step of architectural drawing which we will be doing more in degree. It also got me better in visualizing and expressing a 3D object into 2 dimensional drawings.

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