Sunday 15 June 2014

Design Visualization - Project 1 (Sketches)

This was the first assignment given to us for the module, Design Visualization. This assignment concentrated on application of different types of sketching, rendering technique and rendering media. The objective of this assignment is to identify a personal and expressive response to visual stimulation, to apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualize and communicate ideas.

We were required to produce 8 sketches on A5 sized papers based on 8 different titles.

A. Body part/Figure/Nature (Charcoal)
B. Object projection (Charcoal)
C. Detail (Pencil)
D. Geometric Projection (Artline)
E. Tracing (Artline on tracing paper)
F. One point perspective of TULC (Artline)
G. Two point perspective of TULC (Artline)
H. Artistic Representation of a famous building (Mix media)

Before I started working on my real pieces, I had decided to do some research about different drawing techniques using different tools. Besides, I had also did a few sketches on my sketchbook before starting off working on the final ones.

And after a few nights of working on this assignment, I was finally done with the 8 sketches.

1. Body part - Collarbone

2. Object projection - Camera

3. Detail - Part of Pisa Leaning Tower

4. Geometric Projection

5. Tracing

 6. One point perspective

7. Two point perspective

8. Artistic Representation - Eiffel Tower

After completing this assignment, I had learned how to draw and sketch using different types of tools, how to handle and work these tools well so that I can produce nice drawings. In this assignment, we had to use charcoal, pencil, artline and some other mix media which is kind of different from the usual pencil that we always use for sketching. I think I had gained more knowledge about the techniques of drawing through this project and it definitely gonna help me out a lot in the future. Besides, producing 8 sketches in a given short period was never easy for someone who rarely draw like me. I took it as a challenge for myself and did my best in order to produce the best outcomes. It was very good experience and a great practice before we head on to more challenging projects. 

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