Thursday 26 June 2014

Introduction to Business - Business Plan

This was the first graded assignment given to us for the subject Introduction to Business by our lecturer, Mr. Joe. The objectives of this assignment are to help the students to understand different types of business and to understand and evaluate the roles of human resources management, marketing, production and finance in a business.

For this assignment, we were first required to form a group of 4 members and my group included Jia Yi, Sharon Lim, Kelvin Fong and I. Then we were required to prepare a business plan based on the nature of business that we had chosen and then present our plan in a 10 minutes presentation. We were also required to present our plan in the form of powerpoint/prezi slides, video clips, poster, role plays, and game etc. Simple and understandable words were encouraged to be used during our presentation.

After a few discussion conducted after being assigned with the work, we had decided on the business that we would like to further work on. We had decided to propose a business plan for Bath House Service.

Presentation Video

After completing this assignment, firstly I had definitely widen my view and knowledge about the business industry. Of course, I had also get to know more about the different types of business, the nature, operation and management of a business. I had cooperated well with my group members in doing this assignment as everyone was being supportive to each other while giving ideas and suggestions. Besides, we had came up with a quite interesting business idea and presented it well to our lecturer and classmates. And through the presentation, I had got to brush up my speaking and presenting skills as I got to address my ideas and thoughts more clearly and systematically. The only thing we thought we could harder was the interaction with the audiences, we didn't really interact with them because we were quite nervous during the presentation day and it was something rather lacking behind for my group. Overall, it was a great experience as I enjoyed doing this assignment with my group members. 

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities :

-Topic Content

-Verbal Presentation
-Audience Reception

-Peer Evaluation

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