Thursday 26 June 2014

Introduction to Business - Charity Drive

This was the final project for this subject which was assigned to us and the objectives of this project are to encourage students to think creatively and strategically in the course of starting and running a business, to understand the roles of human resources management, marketing, operation and finance in business, to understand the social and ethical responsibilities of a business.

For this final project, we were required to run a charity drive event from 2nd June to 6th June. Firstly, we had to form a group of 5 members which my group had included Jia Yi, Sharon, Kelvin, Alfred and I. Since we had 5 members in our group, our targeted profit is RM2500.00. After the clear explanation by Mr. Joe, we had discussion to discuss on the products that we would like to sell during the event.

We had conducted a few meetings to assign the tasks to each member, to discuss and finalize on our products and also to develop on a few strategies in order to get a better sales. We first decided to sell healthy snacks like muesli bar, milk, fruits drinks and also polaroid service. But during the process of getting these products and also sponsorship, we had encountered some problems and decided to change our products to chocolate, Japanese snacks and Grafitti tees.

While surveying at Ikea, 

 After finalizing on the products that we wanted to sell, we went straight to get the supplies.

During charity drive, 

Our promotion song created by JiaYi and Alfred.

Full Video

Full Report

After completing this assignment, I had gained a lot in the ways of getting to know more about a business's operation, running a business, resources management and also it's finance management. The one very important thing I had learned through this assignment is to never give up when you come across obstacles. We started our pre-sales one week before the charity drive, and we had faced problems in promoting our products as we kept getting rejected by people but we didn't give up and thought of other strategies to attract our customers. In the end, we had successfully sold over 40 bars of chocolates on the first day.

Besides, working in a group is also another challenging task as everyone had their own perspectives and thoughts about things. I had learned to tolerate and to be open minded to accept others ideas and opinions. We cooperated quite well together and also got better in communicating with each other.

Moreover, I had also learned that to run a business smoothly, there are many things that need to be taken account of. For example capital, human resources management, a well planned strategy, promotion tactics, attractiveness of products, price set, sales market and more. All these mentioned are always need to be taken into consideration in order to produce the best results of a business.

Lastly, this assignment was definitely a memorable and meaningful experience. As we didn't just get to learn a lot about business, working together in running it but we also got to contribute to the society by donating all the fund raised and profits earned to charity organization, World Vision. It's something that we don't normally get to do and it's way different from the other assignments. I'm really thankful that I got a chance to experience this.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities :

- Report Content
- Goal Achievement
- Financial Control
- Peer Evaluation

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