Thursday 26 June 2014

Introduction to Business - Reflective Essay

Business generally can be known as an organization which involves the trade of goods, services between the sellers and consumers. And through this module, Introduction to Business which is included in our semester 2 syllabus I got to know more about a real business operation and management.

Basically my first thought about this subject it was just gonna be another not-so-interesting subject but little did I know that I was wrong, it was a really fun subject and perhaps the most interesting subject among all. We were given different activities and tasks each time during the lectures and the way how Mr. Joe made everything seemed more lively and fun really do helped us a lot in understanding the subject better.

And talking about what I had learned through this module, firstly it had definitely widen up my views and thoughts about business. Through each lectures conducted, I got to learn about a business operation, management, structure, strategies in business and many more. I had also got to know that starting and running a business is never an easy job as it requires sufficient amount of capital, well management of human resources, fairly planned finance, and even good strategies to get better sales and market. Besides, business isn't just about selling and buying it's also an act of interaction. Through the interaction between the seller and consumers, we would get to know more clearly about the market's needs and how we could work on it to feed all the needs.

Next, through the process of completing all the assignments given in this module I had also became stronger and tougher in handling different issues. The one important lesson I learned from this subject will be determination when I'm facing obstacles and problems in life, I had learned to never give up. Even if you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail forever. Every failures marks a special spot in our lives and it shall not stop us from trying but keep us going instead. Especially when doing the final assignment, my group had came across quite many problems from the products supplies, sponsorship and all the rejections from people. I was glad that we had became even more motivated after failing each time and also grateful that we didn't give up halfway but kept going till we finally succeeded in hitting the target set. This does not just apply in studies but also in our daily life. It'd obviously become a lifelong lesson to me and constantly supporting me in doing better.

Another thing I had learned through this module will be the communication with people. Firstly, all the presentations conducted had helped me in boosting up my confidence and also brushed up my speaking skills. We were always asked to present our ideas and thoughts in class freely but in the way that can be understand by everyone. I think this had really helped me in organizing my opinions and then addressing them clearly to the audiences. I had came to know that a good presentation is not just about how good your language is but it's also about how you interact and communicate with the audiences through verbal or even non verbal cues so that they will be attracted to you and fully understand your messages. Besides, I had became more fluently in speaking and languages through these presentation practices in class.

Overall, I really enjoy doing this subject and I'm grateful that it's included in our modules. As we didn't just doing the subjects related to Architecture but also gained some extra knowledge through this subject which will definitely help us in the future. Besides, I would also like to thank our lecturer Mr. Joe for his patient guidance all this while. He is a really great and dedicated lecturer and we had a lot of fun during his lessons.

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