Thursday 19 September 2013

CTS - Project 1 (Musical Performance)


Task :
As a group, we are to produce to a musical performance of 5-8minutes.
We are required to create music by only voices and musical instruments made by daily objects.
Every member has to have own instruments even if it's lead singer.
We were also required to use at least 2/3 of the song given by the lecturers.

Here is the musical performance presented by us, OUTSTATION!

After this musical performance, I have learnt that time management and cooperation within members are really important. It was really saddening as few members in our group weren't being cooperative when we were having practices, they only turned up a few times for practice. 
And we did this quite last minute so the outcome wasn't good enough. I shall take this as a lesson and learn how to communicate with other members better next time in other group assignments. 


Task :
We were required to create a documentation which shows the investigation, exploration and process in making the musical instrument and also the development of the band.
I have chosen tambourine as my musical instrument as I was inspired by a video clip I found on youtube, the tambourine was made by kid of 6 year old. So I was thinking, a kid can do that why can't I? HAHA
Of course I have modified it into a more mature and practical one.
Below are the pictures showing the process of how I make my instrument and also the development of our band.

The final outcome of my tambourine, the outlook wasn't attractive enough but the sound was good!
Maybe I should have enhanced on the look more but I was running out of time.
I enjoyed exploring the ideas of making our own instruments using daily objects, it was a great experience as we seldom encounter task like this.

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