Friday 8 November 2013

ENG - Assignment 1 (Essay Writing)

This was the first assignment given to us and it was an essay writing and we were also required to write 600 - 800 words.
During our English lectures, Ms. Thivilojana has taught us many techniques in writing a good essay.
This assignment has somehow become an evaluation on what we have learnt during the lessons. 
For this assignment, three questions were given :

1. Using recycled products to construct buildings can help preserve the environment. What do you think are the causes and effects of this condition? Plan your response, and then write a cause and effect essay.

2. Write a compare and contrast essay about any two Zero Energy Office (ZEO) buildings. Support your answers by referring to any of the existing ZEO offices in Asia.

3. Identify the steps involved in model making. Then, write a process essay to describe this process.

And I have chosen the first question to work on as I think I can perform it better than the other two.
Ms. Thivilojana has also brief us a few times before we started doing our assignment.
She has taught us on writing a pre-writing in different types, thesis statement and also citation. 

I then started doing my essay by doing research first. I tried to gather as much information as I could before I organized them into parts and paragraphs.
After analyzing and rearranging the information I have gotten from the internet, articles and books, I did a pre-writing based on the info I have gathered.
Ms. Thivilojana also checked on my pre-writing before I started off with my long essay.
I spent a few hours to correctly elaborate on my ideas and checking dictionary for better words to make my essay a more interesting one.
In the end, I spent 2 hours for this essay including doing the citation and reference list as I wanted to get a good grade for it.
It seems slow but I put in alot effort in working this assignment.

After this assignment, I have learnt that research is very important before writing a facts based essay.
We can't just create an example out of nowhere because it will mislead the readers.
Besides, I have also learnt the importance of doing a pre-writing before writing an essay.
Pre-writing helped me in organizing my words and ideas, to make the flow of the essay more smooth and natural.
Other than that, I also think that how we acknowledge the words and vocab actually help in making an essay more lively and easier for the people to read.

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