Tuesday 12 November 2013

ENG - Assignment 2 (Oral Presentation)

First of all, this is the second assignment and also the last assignment given to us for English.
For this assignment, we're required to do a oral presentation based on the topic given.
Around the end of September, Ms. Thivilojana has given the topic of this oral presentation which is to describe a future city in the ways of its
1. security system
2. water and waste management
3. tourism and hospitality,
4. transport energy management and disaster relief
5. green building

As for this assignment, firstly we would have to form a group of 4 to 6.
So, me along with Angoline Boo, Lai Jia Yi and Chua Wei Jie have decided to gather as a group.
We then have to decide on the future city we would like to talk about, after a quick discussion we finally decided on choosing Sydney, Australia.
Each of us has also picked the element we will be talking about to do research about it before we start.
Since this is a video based presentation, we would have to record our parts and compile it into a complete video.
For the video recording, we were all dressed in formal attire to present a neat and clean look.
Throughout the whole process of recording and working together, all the members were being cooperative and helpful. It was a pleasant working process I would say.
At the end of the day, we spent few hours to get all parts recorded and Chua Wei Jie took the job to edit the video into a better one.
The video link below is the final outcome of our group work.

Lastly, during the time we were working on this oral presentation I have learnt that team work and cooperation within members are really important in order to come out with a good work.
I'm lucky to have group members who are always helpful in all ways, we cooperated well and helped each other out in correcting the mistakes we made during the oral presentation.
Besides, I also feel that a well preparation beforehand will also make the whole working process more efficient and better. 
The part I was doing is Green Building, I've done alot of research before coming out with my own parts and during the research my views have been widen by the information I have looked through all the while.
After the research, I have also gained alot of knowledge about the topic we were doing especially on green buildings. 
As I will be taking architecture in the future, all these information gathered will definitely help me out when I'm practicing my work later. 
And I have also learnt that we have to be systematic in arranging our sources and work so that we can present our ideas and words to the audience in a clearer and better views. 
Accuracy of the pronunciation is also very important in an oral presentation as it will help the audience to understand our words more. I have tried my best to speak as accurate as possible and in correct pronunciation in this assignment and I think I will have to work harder on it. 

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