Friday 29 November 2013

ENBE - Project 1 (Art Sculpture + A3 Poster)

This was our first assignment for Elements of Natural and Built Environment.
This project consisted of two subsequent parts which were the group and individual part.


Task :
In a group of 4-5 members, we were required to create a functional art sculpture using recycled materials.
We were also required to create a slogan/tagline and a short description about the environmental issue, solution, idea, function and making of the art sculpture in A4 size cardboard.

During our first group meeting, we had came up with a few ideas for the art sculpture including table lamp, laptop holder, table. We had then further decided on making a mobile robot for this assignment.
Next, we started gathering the recycled materials we needed including biscuits tin, cardboard, polystyrene, unwanted pipes and some cans.

On the second meeting, we started it by building up the body of the robot using hard cardboard and also polystyrene. In the last few meetings we completed all the parts from head to bottom. The head was made from biscuit tin, the body was made from hard cardboard and the base was built from cans and pipes.
Last step would be decorating and enhancing the overall look to a better one, we sprayed and colored it with black and yellow color.

Here are the pictures of the final outcome,

This was the back of it, with another biscuits tin as the recycle bin.

Side view of it.

We have also added lights to the eyes to enhance the look. 
It looked really good and attractive in the dark.

The recycle symbol added on the back is to raise the attention and awareness of the people 
(especially people who saw/owned this robot) the importance of recycling. 

We named it as "Kitty". The reason why we chose to create a mobile toy robot as we were aiming for the younger generation market, specifically kids. The main purpose was to cultivate the recycling action of kids since young age, the recycle bin at the back was placed at a position which suits the height of the kids. 
The was also a cupboard kind of space for the kids to store their toys. So it was basically a multi-functional sculpture.

After the presentation, lecturers had also given some comments about our work and how we could improve it.
We have done a modified version based on the comments given for the exhibition in SkyPark.

The modified version still focus on the recycling spirit, but we added more functions on it including boardgame, separated recycle bins, calendar and drawing space for the kids.
We had also changed the color of it to make it more lively and more attractive to the kids.

Throughout the progress of building this sculpture up, which we had spent a week of doing it, I have learnt that team work is important in order for a team to carry out its function effectively.
Because everyone in the group has their own thoughts and reasons, I have learnt how to accept other ideas and be mutual in making decision. In doing any assignments, we should always cooperate and communicate well with each other to prevent arguments or unpleasant experience.

Besides, time management is also important to make sure our work can be completed within the time.
For this part, I think my group handled quite well as we always had the chance to gather together to do our parts. We seldom face problems of not having all members around.
And I also think that we had all cooperated well and managed to complete it quite fast.

If I were to be picky, the only problem we got was we had the concept wrong as it was supposed to be an Art sculpture. But we made it to a more engineering kind of work. 
Anyhow, we have learnt our lesson and we will be more careful in reading the questions and guidelines later on in our other assignments.


Task :
As for individual task in assignment 1, we were required to create a A3 hardboard info-graphic poster. The poster should highlight on the benefits of recycling waste to the environment and how recycling helps to solve the environmental problems. We were also required to create a slogan/tagline of not more than 10 words for our poster.

For this part, first step I took was surfing the Internet for inspiration and idea of the design and template of info-graphic poster. Since it's an info-graphic poster, I did my research about the environmental issue, solutions and facts before I started doing it. 
I gathered and wrote down all the information I got from the internet and references. 
Then I started by drafting out the design of my poster, proceeded to choosing the base colors and the concept and message of the poster.

For my poster, I have decided to separate it into two sides.
On the left was the polluted environment, and on the right was the world after recycling has been carried out.
For the hand of the left I have used the torn pictures of rubbish and waste to create an illusion of our polluted earth, with the handwritten global issues we are now facing and the environmental facts.
On the right, the hand I have used torn newspapers to represent the recycling acts which should be done by all human. 
The blueish and greenish base has also shown a better and healthier earth if we carry out recycling acts.
I have also implanted my recycling spirit by using cereals box to make the recycle symbol on this poster.

From this assignment, I have learnt alot about the environmental issues, ideas and facts that people nowadays are usually lack aware of.
From the research I have done, I feel that people should really start recycling as it will help to prevent our one and only earth from being polluted.
Besides, with a clean and healthy land then will provide a better place/habitat for the human as we can have a better environment to live in.

Moreover, it has also boosted up my creativity in making a poster. During the period I searched through the internet, the work from others really inspired me alot in creating my own. Although I didn't really make it an A+ work but I enjoyed doing it alot. This has also helped to brush up my coloring and painting skills. 
I have also learnt that a well organized and nicely painted poster can do better in attracting other attentions which was the main purpose of this poster, to draw the awareness of people in environmental issue. 
And it was also the part I was lacking of, I didn't really successful in making it an attractive one.

Lastly, will be my performance for presentation. I was satisfied with my presentation as I was able to bring out the message and ideas of my poster. But I think I could have done better if I was very well prepared, I feel that I didn't really organized my words when I present it to my tutor, Mr. Fariz. Unorganized words and sentence might cause confusion to the listeners and audiences. I will take this a lesson to improve more on my presentation skills. 

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