Monday 2 December 2013

ICI - Assignment 2 (Project Brief)

For assignment 2, we were required to find a specific land within the visited field trip area and we should act as client who want to initiate a small construction project on the land. We were also required to prepare a project brief as a group and propose one project that is appropriate to our selected site.

Project Brief

First, we went on a field trip at Janda Baik for 3 days 2 nights.
During the time we spent there, we were also looking for a suitable site for our project.
After a few discussions, we have decided to pick a land near to the lake we had water rafting.
Below are the pictures of the selected site.

The place we have chosen is surrounded by greenery and lake. The reason why we chose it was mainly because of the lake, as our plan was to build a resort. The ministry we have gotten was Ministry of Tourism, thus the plan of building resort.

Here is the link to our finalized project brief :


 Next, we were required to carry out interviews with professions like architect, engineer and quantity surveyor to help us understand more about their roles in building development process in order to complete a construction project.

After the interview session, I have really understand more about the construction industry. As I will be taking architecture later, the architect's words have helped me to know more about the profession. Besides, we were able to know about the process of a construction project and how it works in all ways.

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