Tuesday 3 December 2013

ENBE - Sketch Journal

In this module, we were required to do a weekly sketch journal.
Task will be given during lecture every week and in the end we have a total of 10 EJ.

EJ 1a - Info-graphic mix which discuss an environmental issue, causes and consequences of the disaster to the Elements of Nature.

I have picked air pollution as the issue I will be focusing on, did some research on the causes and consequences of this issue as well. 
Then gathered the related pictures from the internet and printed them out, grey-ish air indicated the polluted air

EJ 1b - Collage of a functional art sculpture featuring conceptual image that might be the answer to overcome the issue.

 *I have redo this twice thus the 3 different things.

This was my idea of making a table lamp using recycled materials, the head part will be made of plastic bottles, body part will be made of unwanted wood then the bottom will be made of old magazines.
All these 3 materials I have chosen are the most common items which can be found in daily life thus make this art sculpture easier to be created. 

EJ 2 - Sketches of functional art sculptures made from recycled materials.

These two are both my sketches of functional art sculpture made from recycled materials.
For the first one on the left, I have picked transparent plastic spoon to make a lamp. The spoons will be painted with different colors to enhance the overall look. Bottle caps will be attached to the end of the lamp to add some weigh to it.
The one on the right is a photo frame made from rope and unwanted wood, I will keep the tectonic texture of the wood and stick to the simple and nice look.

EJ 3 - Timeline which shows the built environment evolution/ civilization progression.

For this EJ 3, I have drawn the evolution of mobile phone/cell phone.
From the big and clumsy looking to now thin and multi-functional phone. 
I have also explained on how it has affected the economy and environment.

EJ 4 - Perception of space.

Out of the 16 perceptions given by lecturer, I have chosen tight, skeletal, open space, crowded and overpowering. Most of the pictures above were taken during my trip to Korea 2 years back.

EJ 5 - Built Environment : Buildings

For this EJ, we were told to sketch the joint, services and furniture that can be found in our campus.
I have sketched the joint of the link bridge, the joint at the walkway, air-conditioner and fire hydrant services and furniture in the library.

EJ 6 - Built Environment : Infrastructure

For this infrastructure, I have decided to explain on the water system in Malaysia.
It has included the whole process of the treatment of water, from raw to clean water.

EJ 7 - Rural area in my hometown : Masjid Tanah, Melaka

The place I have chosen for this EJ 7 was Masjid Tanah in Melaka.
It's a rural area with very little development, mostly with trees around and wooden houses.
Single storey terrace houses can also be found, there is also a primary school in that area.

EJ 8 - Suburban area in my hometown : Ujong Pasir

Suburban area in my hometown is somewhere near to my own house, it's Ujong Pasir in Melaka.
It's a place mostly occupied by terrace houses and shop lots, part of the buildings are in old condition already. Mosque and temple can also be found in this area.

EJ 9 - Urban area : South Korea (Statistic)

I have done the research on the statistic of transportation in South Korea, it shows that the number of people who take subway is increasing rapidly but the bus passengers is decreasing at the same time.
There are some reasons which caused this phenomenon to happen.

EJ 10 - Experience in Janda Baik.

We were told to write about 2 activities we enjoyed the most during our field trip to Janda Baik by using pictures and sketches. 
The two activities I enjoyed the most would be water rafting and camp fire.
I enjoyed crafting the raft together with my teammates and the time we had fun dancing and singing around the fire. It was a pleasant and unforgettable memory that shall be cherished.

Throughout the period of completing this journal, I have learnt more about sketching and painting skills which I was once really weak in. I think this journal somehow had become a practice/exercise to prepare myself for more tasks in the future.
Besides, this journal also marked down my progression of this semester 1 and I can always refer and reflect on my own weakness so that I can keep improving. 
The research I have done while doing this journal has also widen my view and knowledge to more things.
And it has also helped to keep my time occupied so that I'm always alert and aware of my responsibility as a student. 
Overall, it's good to see the finalized product did all by myself.

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