Friday 6 December 2013

CTS - Idea Journal

For the subject Creative Thinking Skills, besides the two assignments we had we also need to do an ideal journal based on the topic given by lecturers every fortnight.

IDJ 1 - Imagine yourself as an daily object

For the first IDJ, I have chose to be a glass.
I like how it's versatile in anyway as it can be shaped into different designs for different usage.
Besides it's also glassy and crystal clear which represents a very pure and clean feeling.

IDJ 2 - Imagine how your object would be in the future?

As for this part, instead of writing story I chose to make it a more practical way.
We all know that glass can be recycled and reused, so for the first page I have drawn out how it could be recycled and shaped into different design again.
The second and third page are the ideas of how the glass can be transformed into in the future.
It can be a thermo-glass which can detect the temperature of the water in it, gives an alarm to the user if the water is hot. Or it can also be a blender and even coffee mixer. I also wish it can be made into a mobile one in the future.

IDJ 3 - Imagine your object as a superhero.

My glass which has then became a superhero and named "The Great Glass".
The superpower he has is to freeze water into glass.
This IDJ turned out to be a big disappointment as my tutor, Mr. Wan commented that the power is not relevant to my object which I also think it was true.

IDJ 4 - Process of making the cover.

IDJ 4 has included on how I generated the ideas and the steps I took in order to create a cover for my white file.

File Cover

IDJ has helped to boost up my creativity which I'm always lacking of. Besides it also helped to build up my confidence in drawing and giving ideas. I have learnt that sometimes we need to go beyond instead of playing safe and not standing at the same point without moving on.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an amazing job! <3

