Thursday 5 December 2013

CTS - Project 2 (Board Game)

For the final project of Creative Thinking Skills, we were required to create a board game.
The first thing that came into my mind was "omg how?" as I had really no idea how we could make our own board game. I'm not creative nor talented in this.


So the first thing we got to was doing a proposal based on our own individual board game.
I took sometime to understand what exactly a board game is and how it could work in different ways.
There were alot of board games found online and I took them as a reference so that I could have a rough idea on what to do next.

Next step I moved on to drafting out my very own board game.
I started by the aim of my game, the concept that I wanted then slowly moved on to the details of it.
So finally I have decided to create an adventurous game related to the sea, the aim of the game is to overcome all the obstacles and get to the destination.

In the process of making this board game proposal on my own, I have learnt the lesson that I should have started it way more earlier. Time management is really important in working out something. I didn't really do well in this proposal, and my proposal was rather boring as it was a very simple kind of game with not much excitements.

But looking at the brighter side, at least through this I have came to know more about my own weaknesses so that I could then work on them later. Besides, I have also gain alot more knowledge about the art of board game and how to create a really good board game.


Task :
In a group of 4-6 members, we were to create a board game based on the best proposal chosen within the group members.

Ms. Sufina has selected two proposal which were from Angoline and Jia Yi. Both of them did really great job in making the proposal and we had a hard time deciding which one to work further on. In the end, we have all came to agree with choosing Angoline's proposal.

So her board game was initially about the adventures in island which was called "Island Escape".
We have then modified it to the adventures of soldiers on an island after the crashing of their plane, and the enemies they'd be fighting with will be the dinosaurs. The aim of it was to get to the boat at the end and escape!

With the guide of our tutor, Ms. Sufina we have decided on the materials we needed. We then went to shop for the materials and tools in Sunway Pyramid.

We started by cutting the broom into small pieces with different height as the base of the path.

Next, we proceeded to sticking all the pieces onto the wooden board using hot glue gun to create the path of the game.

We then started pasting and piling up newspapers and toilet papers as the base of the island.
Continued with coloring them layer by layer, bit by bit.
We even went to the carpark in school to collect sand and stones.

Our group member, the very talented Jia Yi did a great job in painting the packaging and designing the booster cards of our game. She spent whole day long doing the designs of the cards.
The booklet was designed and done by Ling Rong, and the cards were designed by Jia Yi!

After a week of struggling without sleep and studying for final exam, we made it through!
Successfully built everything up and completed it the night before submission day.

This shall be the best assignment in the whole module. No doubt, it was mad tiring staying up till 3 or 4am in the morning just to make this layer by layer. But I really enjoyed the time working with the group members, each of us were really cooperative and we worked together well. Everybody played their own roles in making this true, the feeling to get to see the final outcome was definitely indescribable. We have done our best and make it a near to perfect one. It was all worth the sleeping time we have sacrificed.
It was a really really good experience working with this awesome team! ^^
Even lecturers were impressed with our work, feel so good about it!!!

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