Wednesday 4 June 2014

Mathematics - Model Making

Exercise - Surface Area and Volume

For this exercise, we were given a total of 3 questions based on the diagram below.

1.      Draw all surface area of the object to scale on A3 sized card board (thickness should be about manila card). You are required to show all dimension clearly. (Scan and save the drawings in PDF or image format).

2.      Calculate total surface area and volume of the object. Calculation should be done on foolscap paper (not A3 papers on which you draw the surface area) and must be clear and tidy. (Scan and save the calculation in PDF or image format).

3.      Construct the above object from the surface area you draw in part 1. (The workmanship of the model is important!!!)

Firstly, we formed a group of 6 members including Sharon, Jia Yi, Jerry, Angoline, Sherny and me. Right after getting the work assigned by Ms. Ann, we started off by having our first meeting to discuss on the questions.
On the next meeting, we worked on the calculation of the surface area and volume. Then later on only we started doing the model using cardboard.

We wrote down all the calculations and solutions on few pieces of paper for better understanding.

And lastly, the model that we had create according to the right measurements that we had calculated.

After completing this assignment, I had learn how to use the right solutions and right formula to solve the question faster and easier.
Besides, we also need to calculate it step by step to ensure that we wouldn't get part of the measurements or calculation messed up.
While doing this assignment, the only problem that I encountered was the time management of the members, as it was kind of hard for us to meet up for discussions sometimes but we had manage to solve it in the end.
Team work is rather important too in order to complete this assignment more efficiently.

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