Tuesday 3 December 2013

ENBE - Project 2 (Site Visit + Report)

For this project 2, we were to write a case study report based on three areas which are rural, suburban and urban. We were required to find a site in these three areas and do a topical studies based on the lecture series such as nature, landscape, buildings, infrastructure and space.
The final report should be not less than 30 pages.

The 3 places assigned to us were Kampung U6 (Rural area), Bukit Jelutong (Suburban area), Stadium Merdeka (Urban area).
A week after that, we went for our site visits at Kampung U6 and Bukit Jelutong.

Rural Area : Kampung U6

First of all, some pictures we took in Kampung U6 (rural area).
As we know Kampung U6 is considered as rural area, it's lacked in development.
Most of the road are not in good condition with cracks and potholes, water and electricity management are not good as well. People there carry out activities like farming for living, we've found a chicken farm there and also a land for plantations. Buildings that can be seen around Kampung U6 are mostly wooden houses or half wooden half concrete houses. The residents are also lack in awareness of the environmental issue as they are not good in managing the waste and garbage produced, some of them even carried out open burning to dispose the waste. Alot of trees and plants can be found around this area, animals like stray dogs, cats and chicken can also be seen in Kampung U6.

Suburban Area : Bukit Jelutong

Next will be Bukit Jelutong (suburban area).
This area has both commercial and residential buildings, has bigger supermarkets and even shopping malls.
Residential buildings are mostly terrace houses as this area has more space if were to compare with urban area. Public space like playground and parks can also be found near to the residential area, there are many trees planted around the park too. The road in this area is also well managed and attributed. There are also at least 3 schools can be found in the area.

Urban Area : Stadium Merdeka

Lastly will be Stadium Merdeka (urban area).
This area is very always very packed and busy because of the amount of residents and vehicles here.
The space in this area is very limited so as we can see the buildings are more to high rise and skyscraper kind. Residential buildings that can be found most of them are flats, apartments or condominium, terrace houses are less likely to be found here. The road infrastructure here is far more complicated than rural and suburban area as the transportation system in urban area is very well developed. Bridges and walkway are built everywhere to provide a better and faster way for the users. Besides, this place is also well equipped with services and facilities like the LRT station, bus station, police station etc. Primary and secondary schools can be both found in this area.

Throughout the period of us doing site visit to these three places, I have tried to observe and explore on the differences between each area. Upon completing this report, I also came to know more about the diversity in rural, suburban and urban area. It has helped me to understand more about the built environment as well.
Besides I have also learnt how to communicate well with other group members in workload and time management. We had a pleasant time working together without any arguments at all! We can actually work together as a team and came up with a satisfactory outcome.

The only lacking part of this project will be my observation, I wasn't being observant enough as I sometimes left out some important points. But thank goodness with the help of other members to mark down all those points I've left out. I did learnt alot doing this site visit and writing the report.

As for the presentation, I have prepared myself the night before together with my own parts which was infrastructure. Overall, I was quite satisfied with my performance. But the problem we had was, the slides we made wasn't in an uniform pattern and our tutor pointed out this too. Anyhow, I'm pretty happy with our work and presentation as we have all tried our best to work it out.

A total of 136 pages report done by all of us, with sweat and blood HAHA.

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