Saturday 14 June 2014

Culture and Civilization - Project 1 (Back to Our Roots)

This was the very first project assigned to us for the module, Culture and Civilization. This assignment had both group and individual work. The objective of this assignment is to introduce the western and eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discovery, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present, to show basic skills enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information.

As for the group part, we were required to form a small group of two person and produce a graphical time-line calendar with our family tree and also a 10 minutes video of the interview and research that had been done.

I was in the same group as Jern Jack. On the first tutorial, we were guided by our tutor, Ms. Dee in order to start developing ideas for this assignment. We had to first work on family trees for both our maternal and paternal and did research of their past life. And after showing our tutor both of our work, she had picked Jack's family tree and story timeline for us to further work on.

The first two photos are my family trees.

After a few discussion and tutorial sessions with our tutor, we continued to work on our family tree and timeline boards.

Besides these two A3 boards of a family tree and timeline, we also need to produce a 10 minutes length video. We had decided to use stop motion in doing this video by drawing out the life of our ancestors and family.

For the individual part, we were required to make an A5 info graphic booklet representing our family culture and traditions. And in this booklet, we were to highlight any issues relating to culture and tradition that our family practice using illustrations.

After completing these two parts of the assignment, firstly I would say that I had learned a lot in compromising and being open minded in accepting my team mate's opinions and ideas. Besides, it had also helped me to get to know more about the past life of our ancestors. Next, I had learned to organize and convey messages and stories into info graphic form so that it's easier for others to understand. I also get to know more about the culture and tradition my family practice as I didn't know much about it before this, but after I started doing this assignment I went to do some research about it and it definitely helped me to understand my family history and background more.

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