Saturday 14 June 2014

Culture and Civilization - Project 2 (Messages from the Past)

This was the second project assigned to us and the objective of this assignment is to examine the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western civilizations.

We were first given a movie to study on. And then we were suppose to do search and further analyse the specific given timeline of the movies through books and internet which we also need to include the culture, social strata, architecture and style. Next, we had to select the most important plot/scene from the timeline for our performance.

The movie that we gotten was Troy. After being assigned with the movie, my group which included Sharon Lim, Yuheng, Kelvin Fong, Eunice Chan and Chee Siang had our first group meeting to watch and study the movie together.

After watching the full movie, we started dividing the roles in the movie and picking the important scenes that we will be doing. And next we had to start working on the props and costumes.

In the progress of making the props :

In the progress of making costumes :

We spent around two weeks or more in making the props and costumes. Besides, we had also went through many times of meeting to decide on our scenes and parts so that we can fully understand each person's roles more precisely and correctly.

We had decided to film our video at Afamosa, Melaka. And we went there for 3 days 2 nights to complete the filming of the video. 

We had the final discussion on the night before our filming day, also did a few times of rehearsal. 

On the filming days :

Troy Teaser :

Troy Full Video :

Troy A4 compilation (Report)

For the individual part, our task was to study the character chosen in detailed that would demonstrate our understanding of the chosen elements for the group task. Next, we were to make an A5 booklet based on our character which comprised of series of sketches, colored, completed with annotation and packaging. 

My chosen character was Paris, the prince of Troy. I started doing research about the character right after I gotten this character. What I did was, I researched on his history and background in the Greek Mythology and then in the movie. I compared all elements from both the mythology and also the movie and translated the information I had gotten into the A5 individual booklet. 

After completing this assignment, first I got to know and understand more detailed about the background and history of Greek mythology, the development of civilization of the past. I had also learned how to translate and present the things I had studied into a form that can be understand clearly by everyone. Besides, I had learned to compromise and accept different opinions while working in a group. During the time of doing this assignment, we sometimes had small conflicts within the members as everyone had their different point of views, but we tried our best to sort every matter out in a better way without breaking the team apart. And most importantly, it was by far the best assignment ever in the whole FNBE semester. As a group, we experienced alot throughout the days in producing this, we went through all the ups and downs but still able to stay as one and completed the project at our best.

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