Friday 13 June 2014

Effective Public Communication - Assignment 1 (Blog)

This was the first project assigned by our lecturer, Ms. Lojana. For this assignment, we were first required to form a group of 5 to 6 members and my group included Jerry Chong, Angoline, Jia Jian and Jern Jack.

The objective of this assignment is to help the students in the way of demonstrating the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interactions with others, in both individual and group levels. We were required a create a photo blog based on the topic "Food, Culture and Architecture".

Firstly, we would have to pick a location and we had decided to choose Jonker Street, Melaka for further research and analysis. After deciding the location, we went there by cars and stayed there for two days to take photos and do research about the place.

In the photo blog, we were required to include at least 25 to 30 photos and there were a total of 4 categories that we would have to work on including :

1. People
2. Food
3. Activities
4. Cultural conservation on buildings

I was in charge of doing the fourth part which is cultural conservation on buildings. And for this, I had to firstly look on the architecture of Jonker Street. The facade, interior and exterior design and style of those old buildings are something that I had studied on.

After the short trip to Melaka, we went back and had a few discussions before we started working on the photo blog together. We did our part separately first and compiled everything after checking on the mistakes.

Here is the link to our photo blog :
FNBE July 2013 EPC Photo Blog

Besides doing the photo blog, we also had to conduct a presentation in class to discuss briefly about the project we did, what we had found and gotten from this project about the place we had chosen based on the 4 main categories. Everyone got their parts to present and I think all of us did alright.

After completing this assignment, I had learned how to work in a group. The cooperation within members is rather important as it's way different from doing individual work. Everyone's opinions were much needed and appreciated especially in giving ideas on how to organize the information and making our blog a more interesting one. Besides, throughout the trip I had also learned a lot about the people and culture in the place. It's something we could not get by just doing research online or through magazines, books and other resources. It had to be experienced and discovered bit by bit on our own. It was definitely not just any other blog assignment but a fun discovering experience indeed.

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