Monday 9 June 2014

English 2 - Assignment 2 (Research Assignment)

This was the final assignment given by Ms. Cass for the module English 2. For this assignment, we were required do a comparative analysis of 2 businesses of similar industry which one is in Penang and another one in KL.
We were suppose to compare and contrast the two businesses that we had chosen and further analyse them both in the terms of history, background, founder, products sold, strategy for competition and etc. This research assignment must be conducted through the form of interviews, book and data information collected during the site visits.

The objective of this assignment :
·         To attempt to answer the chosen topic/question
·         To use appropriate methodology in obtaining primary and secondary information related to the chosen topic/question.
·         To understand the basics steps involved in preparing an academic research report and apply APA style citation accurately and effectively in the research report.
·         To present the findings of your research in a formal presentation.

·         To understand and apply suitable rhetorical strategies to a hypothetical target audience as specified to each. 

We had formed a group of 6 with Sharon, Ling Rong, Jia Jian, Chee Siang, Angoline and me. We met up for the first time to discuss briefly about the assignment, where also we chose the trade of business that we would like to research about. We all eventually decided on choosing Dim Sum as the trade that we will be researching about.

On the next meeting, we went through a long lists of dim sum restaurants in Penang and also KL and picked on two that we would like to interview. For Penang, we had chosen Tho Yuen Dim Sum restaurant which had been there for more than 70 years already and we chose another one in Sri Petaling which is called Clan Dim Sum restaurant, a new but growing dim sum business which has been operating for 13 years already.

During the field trip to Penang, we went to interview the lady boss of Tho Yuen Restaurant on the first day. We recorded down the interview and wrote down all the information mentioned by her.

The outlook of Tho Yuen Restaurant.

This is their signature dish called "Hong Tu" noodle.

After coming back from Penang, we called another owner in Sri Petaling so that we can conduct an interview with him in the restaurant. Mr. Nie, the owner of Clan Dim Sum restaurant (also known as Da Jia Cheng) was kind enough to have let us interview him. We had also recorded down the video of us conducting the interview. 

This is their signature dish called "Gai Wo Bao", Chicken Nest Bun.

After conducting interviews for both restaurant owners, we went on to organize the data we had collected to make things easier when we start writing the report later. We had also did some research about the history, reviews and popularity of both restaurants through the sources of newspapers and internet. Next, we started distributing the work within all members and make sure everyone got equal and fair workload. After a few nights, we came up with the finalized report and then we started to prepare the slides for presentation.

Full report :

After completing this assignment, I had learnt the tactics and ways of conducting an interview. I had also learnt about the history of the trade we had chosen, dim sum. Besides, I had learnt how to arrange and organize information and data to a simpler form in report for a better understanding of the readers. I had also learnt how to work in a group and how to compromise and cooperate within group members to produce the best outcome in the most efficient way. 

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities :




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