Friday 13 June 2014

Effective Public Communication - Assignment 2 (Mural Art Presentation)

This was the second assignment of the module, Effective Public Communication. For this assignment, we were required to look for the mural paintings at Penang and pick the final 3 paintings then relate these paintings to the EPC concepts we had learned in class.

My group including Sharon, Ling Rong, Jia Jian, Chee Siang and Angoline. We went to look for the mural arts during the field trip to Penang. All these paintings are located quite near to each other around the same area.
In the end, we had picked these three which are The Awaiting Trishaw Paddler, Little Girl in Blue and Little Children on Bicycle.

The Awaiting Trishaw Paddler.

Little Girl in Blue.

Little Children on Bicycle.

Presentation - Part I

Presentation - Part II

After getting this assignment done, I had more thoughts about the mural paintings in Penang now. Besides, most importantly I can now know how the EPC concepts we had learned in class can be related to things around us, how they can be related to a 2D painting. In overall, of how these concepts can be implied by our daily basis even a very ordinary action or gesture. And also this assignment had helped me in having a better view and understanding about the modules we had learned throughout these few months.

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