Sunday 8 June 2014

Social Psychology - Final Assignment (Video Presentation)

This was the final assignment for the module, Social Psychology.
We were divided into a group with 4 or 5 members and I had Darren, Jia Jian and Sherny in my group.
For this assignment, we were required to conduct a social psychology conceptual video, prepare a report and perform a presentation in class later.
The objectives of this assignment is for us to be able to conduct a simple social psychology experiment which is creating a video with psychology concepts applied, to enhance teamwork ability and leadership, to encourage problem solving and creative thinking.

Part 1 
For the first part, we had to create a script/scenario and apply the social psychology concepts learnt into it, then execute and demonstrate the process. After doing the video, we were also required to a write a report about everything we had done for the video and concepts applications.
Darren was in charge of writing the script, I was the director of the video filming while Jia Jian helped to edit the video. All of the members had to be in the video.
We spent half a day under the hot sun shooting for the video and spent a few nights in editing it. Darren and I later helped in doing the report.

Full video :

Full report :

Part 2
We had to conduct a presentation about the video we had done during class. We separated the presentation into parts and each of us had our own to present. 

Presentation slides :

In the process of doing this assignment, my group had encountered quite many problems in the terms of communication within members and also the commitment of certain people. We had trouble on the day we shot for our video as one of our member was absent because of sickness. During the process of shooting the video, we also had some conflicts while discussing on the ways of how we could shoot the scenes but we tried our best to sort it out and everything was alright after some compromises. Work division was alright as all of us had our own parts to work with. 
After completing this assignment, I had learnt how to work in group dynamics and to apply critical thinking in real situations. Besides, the experience of working in a group helped me better in communicating with people. I had also tried my best to contribute to this assignment by helping out all I can with better time and work management. Lastly, this assignment is also a better way for me to apply the psychology concepts on real life experiences.  

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