Wednesday 4 June 2014

Mathematics - Statistics

Our final project for Mathematics is Statistics, the objectives of this project is to : 

1. Allow students to collect and organize statistical data.
2. Enable the students to apply the knowledge gained to analyse statistical data and draw conclusion from the data. 

We were required to conduct and propose a comparative analysis of any topics between adolescent aged 18-20 and young adults aged 21-23. 
But first of all, we were required to write up a survey form which contains minimum of 20 questions. 

We had then form a group of 5 people consisting Sharon, Jia Yi, Angoline, Sherny and I, we met up for a few times before we decided on the topic that we wanted. 

Me, Chiew Nee was asking the barista in Starbucks some questions regarding their beverage and food. 

We had choose to carry out the analysis on the Starbucks preferences in the adolescents and young adults. Next, we worked on the survey questions together and picked on the final 22 questions to show Ms. Ann.
After completing the survey form and checked by our lecturer Ms Ann, we went around the campus to distribute the form for the survey participants to fill in. 
We then moved on to organizing the data and started the analysis on both age groups for this statistic project. 

 In the progress of arranging and organizing the data we had collect based on the answers from the survey forms. 

Jia Yi was working on the design and presenting ideas of the infograhic poster. 

This was the first infographic poster that we printed, but after consulting our lecturer we decided to correct some of the data and information then printed out another one. 

Besides presenting our collected data on an A2 sized infographic poster, we were required to write a report about the survey that we had carry out and also the analysis of each questions on our survey forms. 

After completing this project, I had learn about the basic statistic which involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. It helped me to learn more about presenting your data and ideas in a better and more interesting form in order for people to understand better. 
Furthermore, I had also learn how to conduct a survey, rearrange and organize the data collected. 
The process of analyzing each question also helped me to understand more about the topic Statistics that we had learn in class as I got to put the knowledge gained into practical use. 
Besides, I had also learn how to work together with my teammates to get our work done in the most efficient way and corporation within the members also played a big part to produce a good results of this project. 

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